"The Tale of Untara"
Once upon a time, there was a man who was very strong, wise, and almighty.
An ogre had been living on the island for some time, causing suffering to all the village people.
One day, a man called Untara stood up and said, “Ok, I will drive the ogre away”. When he was about to set off, a small bird came along and tweeted, “May I come with you?” Untara said, “Of course, you may” and off they went.
Untara swaggered bravely along, his wooden sword over his shoulder. Suddenly a bee appeared and said, “May I come with you, too?” Untara said, “Of course”. Then, a centipede emerged and remarked, “Lucky old bee! Let me be in the company as well”. Good-hearted Untara announced, “Everybody can come along”, and stomped ahead.
While watching their company, an Ako tree and a mortar agreed it looked like fun and joined them, so it turned into a curious procession.
Marching on, they arrived in front of the ogre’s house. Fortunately, he was napping. “Good, good”, said Untara. He called everybody together and they decided how to deal with the ogre.
“Yes, yes … Okay… Yes, it is settled”. Swiftly, everybody commenced the operation. First, Untara crept under the floor and through the holes in the floor he started to poke the ogre with his wooden sword and rock him.
The ogre moved and scratched his back, “So many fleas today,” he grumbled. He thought it was fleas biting his back. So he went down to the kitchen to kill fleas.
The ogre was about to start a fire in the oven, when suddenly from the ash a small bird flew out at him. He was frightened and yelled “Ouch! Ouch!” as the ash stung his eyes. He wanted to wash his eyes, so he went to the large water jar and grabbed a dipper to scoop up some water, when a centipede who was hiding behind the dipper stung his arm! “Oh, my god!” shouted the ogre.
The ogre in a flurry ran out from the house. Then this time a bee who was waiting by the entrance pillar buzzed at him and stung him, again and again.
“Ouch! Ouch!” The ogre was crazily running round and round in the garden, where an Ako tree tripped him up. Then, Untara swung his wooden sword at the ogre’s head, and with one blow the ogre was dead.
“Hooray! Hooray!” The company brought back all the treasures from the ogre’s house to the village. At last, the village was peaceful.
Seiko Sadoyama (ed.) (2013) The folk tales of Miyako Island: One hundred selected tales , Volume 2, Miyakojima, Okinawa: Nkyanjuku.
Folk tale speaker: Kamado Yonahara, Ikema Island
English translation: Sachiyo Fujita-Round and Rick Round